Which of the following is a possible cost of using renewable resources?

Which of the following is a possible cost of using renewable resources?

a. Loss of animal species

b. Land degradation

c. Lower availability of freshwater

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

The processes of extracting and harnessing renewable solar, wind, and biofield energy have various environmental costs and effects. Annihilation of animal species is likely to happen when their home is altered or divided to create ways for establishing facilities for renewable power production such as solar and wind plantations. There are ecological problems such as soil degradation whereby expansional areas of the land may be used to prop up renewable energy leading to loss of soil through erosion, desertification or even loss of species biological diversity. Furthermore, some biofuel production affects directly water availability and quality, for example; the production of ethanol from corn or sugarcane crops competes for both land and water. Thus, despite the fact that renewable resources are deemed less hazardous to the environment than fossil fuels, it is highly important to address the potential undesirable effects of the exploitation of the resource on the animal species, land, and water resources for freshwater supply.






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