Which of the following is an important step in the process of conflict resolution?

Which of the following is an important step in the process of conflict resolution?

A. defining the problem and proposing a solution

B. requiring all participants to adopt your viewpoint

C. agreeing only with your own values

D. none of the above

Answer: A. defining the problem and proposing a solution

Stating the issue and coming up with a corresponding solution is one of the significant phases in conflict management. This entails a process of defining the problem areas well and then moving systematically, to seek alternative solutions. Thus, as various scholars assert, when framing the problem, all the concerned stakeholders understand the situation, which is important in communication as well as the solving of the problem.

For instance, in the case of a dispute between two employees in a company over assignment duties, the initial intervention would be identifying a concern. This could be done by expressing ambiguity over the distribution of tasks and their due dates. After that, the logical course of action is to identify possible approaches that would bring resolution to the identified problem. These could range from developing elaborate project schedules, communication protocols, or work reorganization to align work with people’s strengths.

Another could be a disagreement in a community on how loud music can be played in a given area. The problem definition could be that late-night activities are interfering with residents’ sleep. Measures that may be suggested could range from instituting times of the day when the loud music is played to soundproofing some sections. By following a method in which participants concentrate on the description of the issue and suggest possible solutions, one can detach herself or himself from assigning blame. It fosters cooperation in reaching for solutions and ensures that each party gets a fair deal hence enhancing the formulation of lasting solutions to the conflict.






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