Which of the following is correct regarding the occipital lobe?

Which of the following is correct regarding the occipital lobe?

A. It is chiefly concerned with mood, memory, and emotions.

B. It is the principal visual center of the brain.

C. It is the primary site for receiving and interpreting signals from the general senses.

D. It is concerned with voluntary motor functions.

E. It is likely to play a role in understanding spoken language.

Answer: B. It is the principal visual center of the brain.

The occipital lobe is one of four primary functional areas of the cerebral cortex of the brain and indeed, it is the cortex`s visual processing center. The occipital lobe is in the back where our principal visual cortex resides right in the middle that processes the information received from the eyes.

The light that falls onto the human eyes is funnelled through the optic nerves which translate the impressive data to the occipital lobe in the brain to form shapes, colours, movements and anything visual. Injury or any damage that occurs to the part of the brain that is referred as the occipital lobe has a direct impact on a person’s vision, if the part affected is severe or the extent of the injury is extensive the affected person could be blinded.

The other options including mood, memory, feelings, general sensations, voluntary movements, and speech reception episodes are linked to other parts such as the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes.






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