Which of the following is not a manifest function of education?

Which of the following is not a manifest function of education?

1: Schools are socialization agents.

2: Education transmits knowledge and culture.

3: Schools often provide social services.

4: Education benefits taxpayers.

5:Education fosters a meritocracy.

Answer: 4: Education benefits taxpayers.

This option is not a manifest function of education because it is an example of latent or accidental effect rather than the obvious and declared aim of the educational system. The manifest functions are the purposes that are conscious and known by society as well as bona fide of an agency of socialization. Smaller manifest functions applicable to the educational setting are socialization (option 1), knowledge and culture dissemination (option 2), and preparing for meritocracy (option 5). Option 3 is also worth mentioning here since offering of social services has also evolved into one of the acknowledged roles of schools. However, it has contributed to benefiting taxpayers, which although may be achieved with an educated populace, is not a direct and primary objective of the educational system. Unlike the preceding benefit which is an obvious or manifest function, this is actually a latent function, which is another seemingly hidden attribute of education in any society.






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