Which of the following may be inhaled when vaping?

Which of the following may be inhaled when vaping?

a. Nicotine

b. Formaldehyde

c. Arsenic

d. Both A and B

e. All of the Above

Answer: e. All of the Above

Inhalation of vapour from an electronic cigarette or similar device is known as vaping and the activity exposes people to multiple potentially hazardous ingredients. Thus, nicotine, a well-known addictive substance, is intentionally inhaled by the users of e-cigarettes and is one of the main components of the liquids used. Users of e-cigarettes select this practice over normal cigarettes in particular due to the nicotine soluble in the vapour. Some e-liquids contain formaldehyde, which is a result of high-temperature cooking when the e-liquid is exposed to high heat. This happens more often when gadgets are used on a high wattage or when the heating coil is dry commonly known as a ‘dry puff.’ Formaldehyde is not an ingredient that vapers deliberately put in e-juice but can result from the vaporization process. As the name implies, e-cigarettes emit vapour, some of which contain arsenic, a toxic metalloid though usually in very small quantities. It is usually considered to be a result of some sort of contamination either in the e-liquid or in the hardware used in the construction of the device. Some other unhealthy chemicals called by-products of e-cigarette vapour may be lead and nickel, volatile organic compounds and ultra-fine particles. The information about the composition of the inhaled vapour can be quite diverse depending on the constituents of e-liquid, the kind of vaping device, and the conditions of its operation. These potential exposures describe the challenges of evaluating the vaping health effects and the necessity of future studies and policies on the matter.






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