Which of these is considered a benefit of lobbying?

Which of these is considered a benefit of lobbying?

A. Lobbying ensures that lawmakers are well funded for the next election.

B. Lobbying facilitates communication between the public and lawmakers.

C. Lobbying creates an advantage in government for wealthier citizens and corporations.

D. Lobbying reduces opportunities for corruption in government because it reduces the role of money.

Answer: B. Lobbying facilitates communication between the public and lawmakers.

Lobbying in its proper sense is a crucial link between citizens, interest groups and the elected administration. It opens a platform where different groups of people in a given society can express their complaints, ideas and various policies to the legislative organs that wouldn’t otherwise have access to this information. For instance, a certain group of people such as environmentalists may approach lawmakers with the information, they have about climate change and communities may how they would like them to address it. Likewise, patient advocacy groups may pursue welfare program funding for such treatments or research, raw human interest and shown epidemiological data in hand.

Such communication may result in sound decisions being made by the legislatures based on various insights and other specialized information received. For example, in such issues as technological enactment such as data privacy, the lawmakers may be provided with the lobbying effort from the consumer protection organizations alongside the opinions from the technology corporations. Such exchange of information is useful in influencing the creation of better legislation that meets the desired needs of society. However, it should be understood that lobbying has a useful function for the stated goal, at the same time essential critical remarks concerning influence and influence-pedalling, coming from those who can bring together much money to work with, do not disappear in their eyes, which can be stated concerning the modern system of lobbying in many countries.







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