Which phrase best defines observation?
A. Thinking and feeling
B. Drafting and revising
C. Wondering and imagining
D. Noticing and describing
Answer: Noticing and describing
To observe is to pay at present in cautious viewing and dispassionately recording occurrences, items, people or events. It includes utilizing every sense to gain information about a subject yet in a non- prejudiced and non- judgement manner.
Observation calls for careful attention to the details and recording exactly what is perceived. An observer perceives facts, events, and changes innocently, without evaluation, without conclusions. They use words to describe what they see, hear, smell, touch, taste or whatever, they sense in physical terms, emphasizing the basic sensory qualities color, texture, shape, sound, motion, etc.
However, good observation is a dynamic process that constitutes active participation by the observer, who focuses and makes a conscious attempt. Information should be observed without prejudice; and the receivers should be willing to take all information in with an open mind. At the same time an effective description is based on perceiving fine details, not just the obvious. The better the observation is objective and detailed, the better the description will be sufficiently precise and meaningful.
In conclusion, the observation is the art of seeing detail aspects of the world through the sense and describing in an objective manner here reporting what is only perceived but without adding personal interpretations and opinions . It is precise and factual. It does not grab impressions that are released intentions associated with retrospective auditing which is objective based.
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