Which statement describes an effect of urbanization?

Which statement describes an effect of urbanization?


One of the impacts of Urbanization is pollution whereby the environment is subject to airborne pollution, waterborne pollution and soil-borne pollution.

Mass urbanization has caused considerable effects on the external environment, especially the environment air. The expanding urban areas characterized by higher rates of automobile use and industries lead to the emission of greenhouse gases including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. For instance, in such comparatively recent urban centres as Beijing or New Delhi, smog is rather acute, as it affects the health of the population and influences the climate on the planet. Water pollution is another important impact of the process of urbanization. Wastewater produced in densely populated regions contains pollutants; organic load, heavy metals and pathogenic bacteria. On discharge of this wastewater, it pollutes water resources and is also detrimental to aquatic life forms. It can be illustrated by situations when, for example, inhabitants of many developing countries dump raw sewage into rivers, thus making them unfit for human consumption and detrimental to the ecosystem. Another of the effects of this process is the degradation of the land, which is also linked to urbanization. It is evident that as cities grow, there is the physical conversion of natural vegetation for development purposes, thus people encroach, and in the process, there are losses in terms of bio-diversity and this impacts negatively on ecosystems. For example, the growth of cities in areas filled with forests in countries such as Brazil or Indonesia results in the eruption of deforestation and climate change in the region. These environmental impacts explain why, there is a need to ensure that sustainable planning and development are practised in urban areas, to counter vices that are entirely with urbanization.






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