Which Two Factors Combine To Form An Author’s Purpose For Writing A Text?

Which Two Factors Combine To Form An Author’s Purpose For Writing A Text?


The two factors that combine to form an author’s purpose for writing a text are: in enunciating key concepts, areas of concern or focus and relevance of the article are influenced by the author’s goal or objective and the intended audience.

These two components merely balance and interact with each other to determine the author’s intention and contribute to the construction of texts. The purpose entails what the author wishes to accomplish in writing, which commonly falls into spheres of enlightening, influencing or merely entertaining. For example, a journalist who writes news may want the readers to be informed at any given time or about a specific event while a novelist writing a novel wants the readers to be entertained with a good story. The intended audience however refers to that particular group rather ring that the author is aiming to target. This could be the general public, a niche or even a single person. For instance, a writer of a children’s book is most likely going to write basing his or her work on the kind of audience, in this case, children, he or she is targeting as compared to a scientific paper writer who writes to an audience of allowed experts in a certain field using technical terms and concepts. Combined, these factors affect different elements of the writing such as the content, the choice of words, the manner of writing, the style and the general writing strategy. For example, an actual subject that a writer of a travel guide might have may be the desire to educate his readers on a certain place (objective); nevertheless, his targeted public will be the potential tourists; therefore, the produced text will contain more facts and descriptions that appeal to travellers.






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