Writers during the Romantic period were interested in A. Life and Death B. Logic and Reason C. Emotion and Nature D. Science and Discovery

Writers during the Romantic period were interested in

A. Life and Death

B. Logic and Reason

C. Emotion and Nature

D. Science and Discovery

Answer: C. Emotion and Nature

Romanticism as a cultural movement developed in the second half of the 18th century and continued to mid mid-19th century Most of the Romantic period works are associated with heavy emotionality and passion for nature. Romanticism, as a reaction to and departure from neoclassicism, is a literary movement characterized by emotionalism, subjectivism, and man’s focus on his inner world and the world of nature.

Love was the central element in Romantic literature as authors went deep searching for the feelings of people and capabilities of passion. For instance, William Wordsworth uses a poem known as ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ to express the feelings of emotional blow by use of a field of daffodils. Likewise, the principal subject matter of Lord Byron contains love, sorrow and rebellion in response to the emotional turmoil in the heart.

Nature was as significant to the Romantic writers because they saw nature as a source and inspiration, spiritual purification, as well as divine manifestation. Nature in many paintings was depicted as some kind of a living spirit or force that one could communicate with and receive mighty feelings and ideas from. In “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, guilt is depicted alongside themes of nature-assisted redemption, while in “Ode to a Nightingale”, John Keats’ tries to grasp the beauty of escapism via mortality and beauty of nature found in a nightingale. Thus, the focus on the emotional response to the natural world provided the means for the writers of Romanticism to delve deeper into the themes of the human experience, thus giving a lasting imprint on the literary and art world.






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